Monday, March 7, 2011

New MP For Hulu Selangor

When this coming General Election is over, there will be a new MP for Hulu Selangor. What is not clear yet is whether that MP will be from Pakatan or BN.

Hulu Selangor, by a slim margin, elected a Pakatan MP in 2008. In the 2010 by-election, they reversed themselves and elected a BN MP.

That current BN MP will, we predict, not be chosen as the candidate again. Which is just as well. For he appears to be entirely clueless on the duties of an MP. To go by his irritating tweets, which keep appearing with annoying frequency on Malaysiakini's 'Newsmakers' tweetbox, he has reduced himself to being some kind of glorified local councillor. He has, in any event, been ejected from his party post of Information Chief. Possibly because the only information he appeared to be disseminating was about himself and his own activities, engaging in an almost manic personal publicity drive. His non-selection as a candidate is a foregone conclusion.

Who, then, will be the Hulu Selangor's new candidate? We believe the new candidate will be an old one, in the form of Mr.Palanivel. He will have to stand in Hulu Selangor, to overcome his humiliation at being rudely rejected in 2010.

It will not be an easy fight for Mr.Palanivel. For Pakatan will view Hulu Selangor as one of it's key constituencies, and will certainly field a strong candidate there. While Mr.Palanivel cannot afford to lose, as it would most likely bring his political career to an abrupt end.

It will, in any event, be a riveting contest, though we can't quite predict a winner yet.

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